Exploring the Innovative Development of New Media Work among the Communist Youth League in Colleges and Universities
摘要: 新媒体具有体现时代气息和辐射力、渗透力强等优势,已成为高校共青团开展宣传思想文化工作的新阵地。近年来,高校共青团坚持与时俱进原则,适应时代变革的需要,进一步突显出新媒体工作的思想政治教育针对性与实效性。文章基于新媒体时代的特征,分析了高校共青团新媒体工作开展的瓶颈与挑战,并以此探索了传统与创新结合、娱乐与思政结合、教师与学生结合、引导与迎合结合等的发展路径。Abstract: New media presents the advantages of real-time display of the era spirits and rapid dissemination. Therefore, it has become a new platform for the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities to promote ideological and cultural publicity. Recent years have witnessed the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities adhering to the principle of advancing with the times, adapting to the changes of the era, and further highlighting the pertinence and effectiveness of using new media in ideological educational communication. Based on the characteristics of the new media era, this paper analyzes the bottlenecks and challenges of the new media work of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities. It is aimed to explore the development paths by taking into account the tradition and innovation, amusement and ideology education, faculty and students, guidance and satisfaction to the needs of students.
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