An Exploration of the Precision of Disciplinary and Legal Education for University Students in the New Era
摘要: 纪律规矩和法律制度是社会行为规则和大学校园运行保障,是实现社会主义法治的基石。要聚焦精准识别防范违纪违法风险,准确把握高校学生纪律法制教育精准化的内涵,坚持问题导向,强化底线思维,破解对内容掌握不牢、对危害剖析不深、对行为引领不强的问题,建立大学生违纪违法风险地图,精准呈现违纪违法风险的时段分布、领域分布、场景分布。要通过学生公约和遵纪守法应知应会清单、违纪违法风险防范清单,增强前瞻性、实操性、实效性,精准做到因时施教、因事施教、因势施教,使纪律法制教育精确到时段、精细到领域、精实到场景。Abstract: The discipline and legal system are the rules of social behavior and guarantee the operation of the university campus. It is necessary to focus on accurately identifying and preventing the risks of violating disciplines and laws, and accurately grasping the connotation requirements of precise discipline and legal education for college students. We should adhere to the problem orientation, strengthen bottom-line thinking, and solve the problem of poor grasp of the content, poor analysis of the hazards and weak leadership of behavior. It is necessary to establish a risk map of violations of discipline and law for college students, which accurately presents the distribution of time periods, fields, and scenarios of violations of discipline and law. Through the student agreement, the list of knowledge and skills required for observing disciplines and laws, and the list of risk prevention against violations of disciplines and laws, enhancing foresight, practicality and effectiveness, we can accurately teach students according to the time, the event, and the situation, forming a disciplinary and legal education system that covering the full cycle, based on all aspects, and running through the whole process. Therefore, the disciplinary and legal education is accurate to the time period, precise to the field, and precise to the scene.
Key words:
- in the new era /
- university students /
- discipline and legal education /
- precision
图 1 以本科二年级违纪违法行为风险为例编制的风险地图样例
表 1 大学生违纪违法风险事件库的主要内容样例
序号 时间 概况 所在
领域所处场景 后果 备注 主因 诱因 ×× ××年
×月×日张某因琐事与室友李某发生……,……。 大二 生活 人际关系问题 生活
琐事留校察看 ×× ××年
自媒体介绍的方式,……。大三 学业 学业
诱导记过 ×× ××年
情绪波动,……,被公安机关处以……。研一 实践 心理
留校察看…… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… -
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