Gender Responsibility Imputation and Fatherhood Practice in Family Upbringing
摘要: 儿童照顾责任的性别失衡问题在中国家庭普遍存在,具体表现为儿童照料主要由妻子或祖辈完成,丈夫往往对家庭抚育参与不足。全职妈妈育儿是在母性情感与差异性性别规范、家庭服务的私人化走向、公共照顾资源赤字、公共领域男性偏好等机制交互作用下所做出的选择;个体情感需求的满足、老年人“角色危机”的缓解、家本位文化的伦理下倾则是促使祖辈参与育儿的重要因素。研究发现,父母任意一方职能短缺或祖辈完全替代父职均会对家庭关系、家庭分工造成不良影响。因此,建构多元主体育儿支持网络、强化家庭抚育的父职实践、明确祖辈的职能与角色是当下缓解家庭抚育困境、处理家庭抚育代际冲突、平衡夫妻育儿责任的重要路径。Abstract: There is a serious gender responsibility imbalance in family upbringing. Child care is mainly done by the wife or grandparents, and the husband often does not participate enough in family upbringing. The parenting of stay-at-home mothers is a choice made under the interaction of maternal emotion and gender norms, the privatization trend of family services, the lack of public care resources, and male preference in the public sphere. The satisfaction of individual emotional needs, the alleviation of the “role crisis” of the elderly, and the ethical decline of family-oriented culture are the important factors that promote grandparents to participate in the intergenerational child care. However, the lack of functions of either parent or the complete substitution of paternal duties by grandparents will have adverse effects on family relations and family division of labor. Therefore, constructing a multi-subject parenting support network, strengthening the participation of fatherhood in family care, and clarifying the functions and roles of grandparents are the important ways to alleviate the dilemma of family care, deal with the intergenerational conflict of intergenerational parenting, and balance the responsibility of husband and wife in parenting.
Key words:
- family upbringing /
- nurturing dilemma /
- practice of fatherhood /
- gender responsibility
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