On the Asymmetry of Antonyms Good and Bad from Another PerspectiveA Corpus-Based Behavioral Profile Analysis
摘要: 以往对于评价类反义形容词“good/bad”的不对称性研究以定性方法为主,基于语料库的量化分析尚不多见。文章运用基于语料库的行为特征分析法中的层次聚类分析法和对应分析法,从语义和用法两方面考察good/bad的不对称性。研究发现:首先,二者语义不对称性主要表现为语义拓展方向及引申义的不对称:good从基本义拓展到脾气、性格、程度范围、观点和行为,而bad从基本义拓展到脾气、感知、状态、话语、行为和性格;其次,二者引申义的不对称性受定语中心语、句子主语影响,却不受形态和极性的影响,形态和极性仅可解释基本义与引申义之间的差异性,另外时态变量未引起任何影响。层次聚类分析和对应分析方法的结合为反义形容词研究提供了可探索路径,研究结果也为该复合实证方法的可行性提供了新证据,同时可为教学应用研究提供可靠支撑。Abstract: Most previous studies on “good/bad” are qualitative while corpus-based quantitative studies are rare. The present study investigates the asymmetry between “good/bad” in terms of semantic and usage feature using a corpus-based behavioral profile analysis. A hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis and correspond analysis were performed. The results are as the following: 1) the asymmetry between good/bad is reflected in the semantic extension: the literal meaning of “good” extends to temper, character, degree or range, idea and behavior, while that of “bad” extends to temper, feeing, state, language, behavior and character. 2) the asymmetry between extended meanings of “good” and “bad” is influenced by two factors: head nouns modified by “good/bad”, subjects of clause, while the rest two factors, morphological and polarity features, are only the one of reasons causing differences between literal and extending meanings. In addition, the tense has nothing to do with asymmetry. Combining cluster analysis with correspond analysis, this study provides a new path for the study of antonym asymmetry and further demonstrates the applicability of this empirical method, meanwhile gives support for relevant research of teaching application.
图 1 good的义项聚类分析树形图
图 2 bad的义项聚类分析树形图
图 3 good/bad引申义拓展分类图
图 4 good/bad整体聚类结果分析图
图 5 对应分析二维图
图 6 礼貌原则下good/bad语义关系
图 7 认知因素下good/bad语义关系
表 1 标识码类别和标识码水平
(ID tags type)标识码
(ID tags)标识码层级
(ID tags level)形态 原形 比较级 最高级 句法 句子类型 小句、主句、名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句、其他 句子极性 肯定、否定 时态 过去、现在、将来 句法
功能定语 定语中心语类型:人称代词、指示代词、处所、时间类、人工物、事件、消息观念类、其他、策略方法类、人或团体、趋势结果类、条件状况、度量类、情感态度类、运气、身体部位、非人生物、知识类、职业类、自然物、疾病类、省略 表语 主语类型:事件、 人工物、 时间类、 人或团体、知识类、处所类、 其他、策略方法类、情感态度类、度量类、身体部位、消息观念、趋势结果、情况状况、非人生物、 自然物、疾病类、省略 补语 -
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