Construction of the Key Competencies-Oriented Curriculum Objectives in Universities
摘要: 大学课程改革是高质量发展下大学教育教学改革的关键问题,而课程目标建构是推进课程改革的逻辑起点。文章认为,大学生核心素养是新时代高等教育人才需求目标在大学生人格上的集中反映,是学生发展的关键核心能力要素的集合。以学生核心素养作为课程目标导向,具有价值导向的适切性、理论方向的可行性以及目标建构的特殊性,是提升大学课程质量的有效路径。文章以此设计了核心素养导向的课程目标概念模型,并在对模型“理念、技术、转化”三个关键要素理论剖析的基础上,进一步论证了目标建构在实践应用中应把握的问题要素。Abstract: University curriculum reform is the key issue in university education reform under high-quality development, and the construction of curriculum objectives is the logical starting point to promote curriculum reform. The research shows that the key competencies of university students is a concentrated reflection of the demand for higher education talents in the new era on the personality of university students, and is a concentration of key competency elements for students’ development. Taking students’ key competencies as the orientation of curriculum objectives is an effective way to improve the quality of university curriculum, which has the relevance of value orientation, the feasibility of theoretical direction and the particularity of objective construction. This study designs a key-competencies-oriented conceptual model of curriculum objectives, and analyzes the three key elements of the model: concept, technology and transformation to further demonstrate the problem elements that should be grasped in the application of objective construction.
图 1 核心素养导向的大学课程目标建构模型
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