Research on the Innovative Path of the Teaching Reform of Ideological and Political Courses for Graduate Students from the Perspective of Omni Media
摘要: 全媒体时代信息传播方式的深刻变革给高校研究生思想政治教育理论课程带来了新的挑战,具体表现为话语传播多元化加剧了意识形态甄别的难度、信息内容多元化增加了教学内容筛选的难度、信息交互方式扁平化增加了教学方式的难度、信息技术的专业化增加了教学的技术难度。研究生思想政治理论课教学必须转变教学理念、拓展教学资源、创新教学方法、完善教学评价体系,构建以全媒体为平台,课程资源和网络资源共享、课堂教学和课外实践互动、教师评价和学生自评互补的育人过程,打造学生终身受益、真正喜欢的思想政治理论课,实现思想政治教育和知识体系教育的有机统一、价值引领和能力培养的有机统一、教书和育人的有机统一。Abstract: In the era of omni media, the profound change of information communication mode has brought new challenges to the ideological and political education theory curriculum of university graduate students, which mainly includes the intensification of the difficulty of ideological discrimination caused by the diversification of discourse communication, the increase of the difficulty of teaching content screening caused by the diversification of information content, the increase of the difficulty of teaching methods caused by the flattening of information interaction methods, and the increase of the technical difficulty of teaching caused by the specialization of information technology. The teaching of ideological and political theory course for graduate students must change the teaching concept, expand teaching resources, innovate teaching methods, improve the teaching evaluation system, and then build an educational process of sharing curriculum resources and network resources, classroom teaching and extracurricular practice interaction, teacher evaluation and student self-evaluation complementation based on the omni media platform, so that students can benefit from the ideological and political theory courses they really like, and realize the organic unity of ideological and political education and knowledge system education, the organic unity of value guidance and knowledge imparting and ability training, and the organic unity of teaching and education.
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