On the Symbiotic Thinking in Systemic Functional Linguistics
摘要: 系统功能语言学理论蕴含着共生思想,然而在学界鲜见对其核心本质的探讨。文章对系统功能语言学的共生思想进行梳理和探讨,首先介绍共生思想的发源和基本内涵,然后梳理该思想在系统功能语言学中的体现,最后探讨和评析该思想对认识系统功能语言学理论构型的重要意义及其在语言学研究中的价值。Abstract: Symbiotic thinking is a key feature embodied in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). However, this thinking has not received its due attention in research. This paper explores the symbiotic thinking in SFL. It first addresses the conceptual origin and basic connotations of the thinking, and then the embodiment of the thinking in SFL is to be investigated. Finally, it discusses the significance of the thinking to the understanding of SFL’s entire theoretical architecture and the value for linguistic research.
Key words:
- Systemic Functional Linguistics /
- symbiosis /
- holistic /
- appliable linguistics /
- ecolinguistics
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