Effectively Promote the Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Important Reply to the Senior Professors of USTB to Take Root
摘要: 4月21日,习近平总书记给北京科技大学老教授们回信,肯定了北京科技大学建校70年来作出的积极贡献,并对学校事业发展提出了新要求新希望,为北京科技大学各项事业发展提供了根本指导和重要遵循。当前和今后一个时期,认真学习好、宣传好、贯彻好习近平总书记重要回信精神,切实推动回信精神落实见效、落地生根是学校的首要政治任务。Abstract: On April 21, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to the senior professors of University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), affirming the positive contributions USTB has made over the past 70 years since its founding, and putting forward new requirements and hopes for the development of USTB, providing fundamental guidance for the development of USTB’s undertakings. At present and for a period in the future, it is the primary political task of the school to earnestly study, publicize and implement the important spirit of Xi Jinping’s reply, and effectively promote the effective implementation of the spirit of the reply.
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