Policy Research on the Governance of Chaos in Fan Club
摘要: 网络空间的安全与秩序直接关系到网络强国建设,加强网络治理是提升网络安全保障能力的重要环节。伴随着网络技术的发展和文化娱乐形式的丰富,“饭圈”文化发生畸变,乱象横生,网络“饭圈”乱象成为网络治理的重点领域。网络“饭圈”乱象主要表现为举报泛滥、畸形应援和偏执型崇拜,究其原因,既离不开粉丝的逐魅需求和资本的推波助澜,更与群体价值观缺失、网络治理政策的滞后性紧密相关。当前,网络“饭圈”乱象已对网络文化建设、网络秩序维护、网络安全保障提出了严峻挑战,必须严加惩治。针对网络“饭圈”乱象的政策规制具备发展性、必要性与有效性特征,在此基础上,下一步网络治理有必要在提高认识、发挥主体作用、强化道德建设、推进法治、加强监管等方面提出新的治理思路。Abstract: Strengthening the ability of network governance is very important in the construction of network security safeguarding ability, which is directly related to cyber security and network order. With the development of network technology and the enrichment of cultural entertainment forms, fan culture has become increasingly distorted and chaotic. The chaos of fan club is mainly manifested in the proliferation of reporting, deformed support and paranoid worship, the reasons are inseparable from fans’ pursuit of charm and capital demand, but also closely related to the lagging of network governance. At present, the chaos of fan club has posed severe challenges to the construction of network culture, the maintenance of network order and the guarantee of network security, so it must be governed. The network governance for the chaos of fan club has its practicality, necessity and effectiveness. It is necessary to put forward new governance ideas in raising awareness, strengthening supervision, promoting the rule of law, playing a principal role and strengthening moral construction.
Key words:
- fan culture /
- the chaos of fan club /
- network governance /
- cyberspace
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