Three Dimensions and Domination Mode of Capital Logic: Based on the Study of Das Kapital and Its Manuscripts
摘要: 当下,资本逻辑已成为马克思主义学界的研究热点,而厘清资本逻辑概念需要以《资本论》及其手稿为中心,通过依次辨析“资本”“逻辑”和“资本逻辑”三个概念来进行。资本是物、增殖价值和生产关系的辩证统一,逻辑是以否定性和必然性为核心特质的辩证逻辑,资本逻辑则是资本在否定性运动中所呈现的必然性。其主要表现为三重维度:一是商品生产和商品交换普遍化的必然趋势,二是资本增殖规律和积累规律,三是资本关系普遍化的必然趋势。在现代化进程中,资本逻辑通过主导物质生产、形塑社会关系和建构思想观念等形式实现了对资本主义社会的全面统治,其由此也成为资本主义社会的主导逻辑。只有超越资本逻辑的全面统治,才能使人的解放成为现实。Abstract: The capital logic has been the focused area in Marxist research. To clarify the basic meaning of capital logic, we need to explore Das Kapital and its manuscripts by differentiating three concepts of “capital”, “logic” and “capital logic”. Capital is the dialectical unity of the object, proliferative value, and relations of production. Logic is the dialectical logic characterized with negativity and inevitability. Capital logic presents the inevitability of capital in the negative motion, which mainly contains three dimensions: The generalized trend of commodity production and commodity exchange in the dimension of object, the law of proliferation and accumulation of capital in the dimension of proliferative value, and the generalized trend of capital relation in the dimension of relations of production. In the process of modernization, the capital logic has realized its overall domination of modern society by dominating material production, shaping social relations and constructing ideas. Only the overall rule going beyond the capital logic can truly realize the liberation of human.
Key words:
- capital logic /
- Das Kapital and its Manuscripts /
- three dimension /
- domination mode
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