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包兴佳 罗载兵

包兴佳, 罗载兵. 英语否定极性的学术语篇发生研究:系统功能语言学视角[J]. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 38(5): 533-542. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022050035
引用本文: 包兴佳, 罗载兵. 英语否定极性的学术语篇发生研究:系统功能语言学视角[J]. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 38(5): 533-542. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022050035
BAO Xing-jia, LUO Zai-bing. A Logogenetic Study of Negative Polarity in English Academic Discourse: A SFL Perspective[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 38(5): 533-542. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022050035
Citation: BAO Xing-jia, LUO Zai-bing. A Logogenetic Study of Negative Polarity in English Academic Discourse: A SFL Perspective[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 38(5): 533-542. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022050035


doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022050035



  • 中图分类号: H314; H0-06

A Logogenetic Study of Negative Polarity in English Academic Discourse: A SFL Perspective

  • 摘要: 文章在系统功能语言学框架内,采用语料库辅助的研究方法,以英国学术英语写作语料库(BAWE)和学术口语语料库(BASE)为语料,探讨英语否定极性的学术语篇发生特征。否定极性系统包含语法、半语法和词汇三种类型,其中词汇否定系统的子类型在书面语篇中发生的频次显著多于口语语篇,体现三重复合功能;而语法否定中的语气否定、半语法否定中的介词短语否定以及附加语否定在书面语篇中发生的频次则要显著少于口语语篇,体现单重或双重复合功能。否定极性类型总体呈现级阶上升、功能潜势单一化的倾向特征。英语否定极性系统的学术语篇发生特征是小句功能潜势的语法挤压所致。否定极性语法化、词汇化的不同发生潜势厘定有助于学习者学术话语交际的否定适用选择。


  • 图  1  语言中的否定系统[48]

    图  2  英语的否定系统再扩展

    图  3  否定极性的语篇发生

    表  1  学术语篇语料库信息

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    表  2  否定极性发生频次前10

    类型语法否定 半语法否定 词汇否定
    BAWE-1is not595not to89 beyond78never138 no+ N.750reduce338un-1335
    does not367not+ Ving80 instead of58rarely33prevent from33little304in-617
    are not238not+ Ved21without29little16break down28loss174non-292
    do not227too...to27hardly14protect from10avoid121im-206
    was not221neither...nor20barely11devoid of9fail115mis-172
    did not215by no means16seldom8free from8decrease101less135
    were not111in no way10  remove from7damage93ir-93
    may not107for fear for5  lack of6remove92anti-57
    will not96in vain2  give up6failure84dis-45
    would not93instead2  escape from4lack59il-27
    BASE-1don’t1620not to79 without183never211 no+ N.586failure123un-544
    doesn’t561not+ Ving64instead of63hardly17get rid of37lose99in-188
    can’t530not+ Ved13beyond59rarely12give up21little90non-162
    didn’t436at a loss4little3short of13loss90mis83
    isn’t367by no means3scarcely3break down11die86less60
    is not329in no way2seldom2given up8reduce85im-53
    haven’t211too... to2barely1end up6fail77anti-43
    wouldn’t185by no sense1  getting rid of5lack56ir-39
    won’t174for fear for1  protect from5remove51ab-25
    wasn’t168 not at all1 cut down4damage49non-19
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  否定极性类型的语篇发生频次差异

    类型BAWE-1BASE-1频数差异(Chi-square test)
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