Agnes Heller’s Thoughts on the Universal Development of History
摘要: 历史的普遍发展观是一切历史哲学的共同话题。赫勒在阐释历史发展的本体论思想时提出,历史发展与历史规律紧密相关,强调以历史进步论为前进方向的发展。人们一旦意识到历史按照某种规律运动发展,历史哲学对历史的解释就起到规范、制约和启示的作用,从而使人们从一种自在的状态上升到一种自为的状态。普遍发展是规律式的发展,历史哲学以大写的历史为中心,大写的历史是一种整体性的历史,那么历史具有规律的发展过程也是一种整体性的发展过程。Abstract: The concept of universal development of history is a common topic of all historical philosophy. In explaining the ontological thought of historical development, Heller proposed that historical development was closely related to historical laws and historical progress was emphasized as the development direction. Once people realize that history develops according to a certain law, the interpretation of history with historical philosophy would play a role of standardization, restriction and enlightenment, enabling people to rise from a state of freedom to a state of self-action. Universal development is a regular development, and historical philosophy centers on the capitalized History. Given that History is a holistic history, the development of history with regularity is also a holistic process.
Key words:
- Agnes Heller /
- universal development of history /
- philosophy of history
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