On the Practice of Data Production from the Perspective of Capital Criticism
摘要: 数字时代,数据成为重要的社会资源。数字技术的发展促进了数据向资本的转化,资本与数字技术的深度耦合推动着数据资本权力的形成与扩张,对数据资本与数字技术的占有成为掌控社会权力的重要途径。而进行数据生产实践的个体在资本之下,陷入了更加隐匿的剥削机制之中,人的主体性与主体间性呈现出新型异化方式。因此,马克思的资本批判理论与存在论思想,与当代依旧关系密切。由此出发,正确认识数字时代的时代特质与社会问题,积极扬弃数据资本权力,明确数字资本主义与中国特色社会主义的本质区别,从而更好地实现数字社会的进步与个体的自由全面发展。Abstract: In the digital age, data has become an important social resource. The development of digital technology promotes the transformation from data to capital. The deep coupling between capital and digital technology promotes the formation and expansion of data capital power. The possession of data capital and digital technology has become an important way to control social power. Under the rule of capital power, individuals who practice data production fall into a more hidden exploitation mechanism, and human subjectivity and intersubjectivity show a new way of alienation. Therefore, Marx’s capital critical theory and ontological thought are still closely related to the contemporary era. From this point of view, we can correctly understand the characteristics of the times and social problems in the digital age, and actively sublate the power of data capital, clarify the essential difference between digital capitalism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to better realize the progress of the digital society and the free and all-round development of individuals.
Key words:
- data production practice /
- capital power /
- critique on capital /
- human subjectivity
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