Legislative Conception of Conditional Non-Prosecution Applicable to Corporate Compliance Cases
摘要: 对涉案企业做出暂不起诉决定契合认罪认罚从宽制度的价值要求,也在一定程度上促进了企业发展。认罪认罚从宽制度为附条件不起诉适用于企业合规案件提供了制度空间,同时企业附条件不起诉也作为一种非罪化处理方式给企业提供了更好的制度保护。实践中附条件不起诉已普遍适用于企业合规案件,但仍存在适用条件不明朗、附条件的性质和内容各地均有差别、暂缓起诉期间不明确等诸多问题。因此需要结合各地司法实践的经验,讨论该制度入法的具体设计,从案件适用的罪名、主体、类型等条件,结合附带条件的性质与内容、社会调查的必要性、暂缓起诉期限的确定以及合规考察等具体方面做出初步立法构想。Abstract: The decision not to prosecute the company involved is in line with the value system of plead guilty and lenient punishment, and it also promotes the development of the company to a certain extent. The leniency system for admitting guilt and accepting punishment provides institutional space for the application of conditional non-prosecution to corporate compliance cases, and at the same time, conditional non-prosecution also provides companies with better institutional protection as a decriminalization method. In practice, conditional non-prosecution has been generally applied to corporate compliance cases, but there are still many problems such as unclear application conditions, different nature and content of conditions, and unclear period of deferred prosecution. Therefore, the next thing to do is to Combined with the experience of judicial practice in various places, discuss the specific design of the system into law, from the applicable charges, subjects, types and other conditions of the case, combined with the nature and content of the conditions, the necessity of social investigation, the determination of the suspension of prosecution period and compliance make a preliminary legislative conception from specific aspects such as inspections.
图 1 单位犯罪逐年变化趋势图
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