The Principle and Approach of Promoting Self Revolution to Strengthen the Party in New Era
摘要: 中国共产党的百年建设史是一部在自我革命中走向强大的历史过程。自我革命与党领导下的长期社会革命实践紧密相连,是管党治党进而走向强党的重要法宝。深入推进党的自我革命,必须坚持党性与人民性相统一、目标性与整体性相统一、质量性与创新性相统一的原则导向。新时代深化自我革命强党实践,要以增强党的政治领导力为核心,确保自我革命工作的有序推进;以加强党性修养培育为重点,不断强化党员干部自我革命的自觉性;以人民群众的监督反馈为动力,坚持自我革命的正确价值指向;以完善健全的制度体系为保障,构建自我革命常态化运行的维护机制。Abstract: The Centennial construction of the Communist Party of China is a historical record of becoming powerful in the self-revolution. Self-revolution is closely connected with the long-term social revolution under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. It is of importance to govern the Party, and then strengthen the Party. To further promote its self-revolution, we must adhere to the principle of maintaining the unity of the Party spirit and its nature of serving people, goal and integrity, quality and innovation. To deepen the self-revolution and strengthen the Party in the new era, we should strengthen the Party’s leadership as the core to ensure the orderly promotion of self-revolution; the cultivation of the Party spirit and the self revolutionary consciousness of Party members and cadres should be constantly strenthened; people’s supervision and feedback should be taken as the driving force; the correct value orientation of self-revolution should be adhered to; With a sound institutional system as the assurance, a maintenance mechanism for the normal operation of self-revolution should be built.
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