Research on the Century-long Process and Era Prospect of the Sinicization of Marxist Anti-poverty Theory
摘要: 马克思主义反贫困理论基于对致贫根源的深刻剖析,揭示了“上层建筑性质”、“社会生产力发展水平”及“资本主义生产关系”与贫困之间的因果关系,是建党百年来党的反贫困思想形成、演进与走向完善的理论源泉。从新民主主义革命时期的革命减贫思想到社会主义革命和建设时期的制度反贫思想,从改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期的发展治贫思想到中国特色社会主义进入新时代的精准扶贫思想,在不同历史时期的反贫困具体实践中,中国共产党始终围绕着马克思主义反贫困理论中国化这一核心命题,在科学把握减贫规律的基础上施策着力,开创了独具中国特色的反贫困道路与反贫困理论体系,最终历史性地解决了困扰中华民族几千年的绝对贫困问题。回顾探析马克思主义反贫困理论中国化的百年历程与演进逻辑,既是实现党的反贫困思想系统化与学理化的理论需要,也是指导实现乡村振兴时代新目标的现实需求。Abstract: The Marxist anti-poverty theory, with its profound analysis on the root causes of poverty, expounds the causal relationship between “superstructure nature”, “social productivity development level”, “capitalist production relations” and the poverty. It provides the theoretical source for the formation, evolution and perfection of the Party’s anti-poverty ideology in the past hundred years, from the revolutionary thought of poverty reduction during New Democratic Revolution to the institutional anti-poverty thought in the early socialist construction, and from the thought of poverty alleviation during the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics to the thought of targeted poverty alleviation in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In different historical periods, the Communist Party of China revolves around the core concept of Sinicization in the Marxist theory of poverty. Poverty alleviation in China is proposed and developed based on the scientific understanding of the law of poverty reduction, exploring characteristics of Chinese poverty and anti-poverty theory system, and solving the historic problems of the absolute poverty in China. Reviewing and analyzing the century-old course and evolution logic of the Sinicization of Marxist anti-poverty theory is not only the theoretical need to realize the systematization and physics and chemistry of the Party’s anti-poverty thought, but also the realistic need to guide the realization of the new goal in the era of rural revitalization.
Key words:
- Communist Party of China /
- Marxism /
- anti-poverty theory /
- common prosperity
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