Advantages of the Faculty Cultivation in Universities with Industrial Characteristics
摘要: 在从制造大国向制造强国发展的新经济及政治形势下,我国行业特色高校的再行业化成为教育管理改革的重要课题。已有研究缺乏对现行的行业特色高校师资队伍管理体制对行业贡献度及高校综合竞争力之间的关系,以及这种关系的作用路径进行探讨。研究采用教师创新活力视角,对我国22所行业高校,220位管理者,907位教师进行问卷调研,应用跨层线性回归模型(HLM)、最大似然估计(MLE)等方法,发现建设行业特色管理体制有其独特优势。例如,可以通过提升教师个体的创新活力,最终提升高校整体竞争力与行业贡献度;对于行业趋向战略并不明显的高校而言,该提升作用将更加显著。而高校的综合竞争力并不等同于高行业贡献度。依据高校竞争力与行业贡献度两个维度,可以将高校区分为四个主要类别:高竞争力、高行业贡献度;高竞争力、低行业贡献度;低竞争力、高行业贡献度;低竞争力、低行业贡献度。本研究对行业特色高校师资队伍管理体制的改革方向提供了政策建议。Abstract: The re-industrialization tendency of universities is related to the development of key industries and the steady progress of social economics in China. From a perspective of individuals’ creative vitality, this study explores the path through which industry-characteristic management system will influence the competitiveness and industry contribution of Chinese universities, as well as the potential theoretical boundaries. We conducted a field survey in 22 universities with industrial characteristics in China with 220 managers and 907 teachers. Applying hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), and other statistical methods, we find that the industry-characteristic management system can promote the overall competitiveness and industrial contribution of universities through improving teachers’ creative vitality. In addition, for universities with a relatively low industry-approaching strategy, this effect will become more significant. Besides, based on the competitiveness and industrial contribution, this study divides universities into four main categories: high competitiveness and high industrial contribution; high competitiveness and low industrial contribution; low competitiveness and high industrial contribution; and low competitiveness and low industrial contribution. We suggest that the competitiveness of universities does not necessarily improve their contributions to related industries. The research also provides policy suggestions for the future reform of management system in universities with industrial characteristics.
图 1 行业特色高校师资队伍竞争力提升的整体路径研究框架
图 2 22所高校的类型划分图(图中字母代表各所参与调研的高校)
表 1 多层次线性模型验证结果(路径模型整体检验)
变量 创新活力 高校排名 行业贡献度 模型1 模型2 模型3 模型4 模型5 模型6 模型7 模型8 控制变量 教师年龄 0.05(0.04) 0.05(0.04) 0.05(0.04) −0.00(0.02) 0.01(0.02) 0.00(0.01) 0.00(0.01) −0.02(0.01) 教师性别 −0.11(0.05)* −0.10(0.05)* −0.11(0.05)* 0.06(0.02)* 0.02(0.03) −0.03(0.01)** −0.04(0.01)** −0.02(0.01)* 教师教育程度 0.41(0.06)*** 0.41(0.06)*** 0.39(0.06)*** 0.19(0.03)*** 0.24(0.04)*** −0.02(0.01)+ −0.01(0.02) −0.00(0.01) 教师从教时长 −0.02(0.03) −0.02(0.03) −0.02(0.03) 0.02(0.01) 0.01(0.02) 0.01(0.01) 0.01(0.01) 0.00(0.01) 预测变量 行业特色高校
管理体制0.28(0.08)** 8.82(30.14)** 0.77(0.04)*** 0.35(0.02)*** 行业趋向战略 7.92(20.93)** 管理体制*
趋向战略−1.90(0.70)** 中介变量 创新活力 0.05(0.02)* 0.02(0.01)** 高校排名 0.00(0.02) 注:+ p < 0.10, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001。 -
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