Xing County Activity and Poems of the CI Shi in the Tang Dynasty
摘要: 行县,指的是官员对属县进行巡视的活动,任务是劝农和抚恤。行县起源于先秦,在东汉演变为一项固定的制度。与行县相关,行春活动也是地方长官的职责,一般在春季进行,二者既有联系又有区别。行县制度在唐代主要由州郡长官承担,职责是劝农抚恤。在行县活动中,刺史创作了反映农事活动的诗歌,表现出悯农善政的情怀。同时,刺史往往藉行县之机悠游山水、宴集唱和,当地文人也乐于与刺史交游,增强了当地文坛的凝聚力,促进了干谒诗、交游诗、送别诗的创作。Abstract: Xing county activity refers to the activity of inspecting the county, and its task is to persuade farmers and provide pensions. Xing county activity originated in the pre-Qin Dynasty and became a fixed system in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Related to Xing county activity, Xingchun activity, generally carried out in spring, is also the responsibility of the local governor. The two are related and different. In the Tang Dynasty, Xing county activity was mainly undertaken by Cishi, whose responsibility was to persuade farmers to pay pensions. During the Xing county activity, CI Shi created poems reflecting agricultural activities, showing their compassion for agriculture and good governance. At the same time, CI Shi often travelled to the county to visit the mountains and rivers and sang at banquets, which established a strong connectivity to the local literary world. The local literati were happy to befriend CI Shi, which promoted the creation of Gan Ye poetry, friendship poetry and farewell poetry.
Key words:
- CI Shi /
- Xing county activity /
- Gan Ye poetry /
- making friends
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