The Inherent Behavior Logic and Practical Path for Rural Mutual Support for the Aged
摘要: 农村互助养老是具有中国乡土特色的农村养老模式之一。在传统乡村文化“互帮互助”的理念下,以地缘、亲缘为主的乡村生活为农村互助养老的实践提供了可能。农村互助养老的本质是“自助−互助”,文章通过社会资本理论三个核心维度,对农村互助养老实践的内在行为逻辑、现实困境以及可能的实践优化路径进行探讨,提出未来互助养老模式可以在多元主体参与、农村互助养老的供给体系、传统文化优势及提高老年人信任等方面不断发展完善。为农村互助养老服务的长效发展提供了可行性的理论支撑以及路径优化措施,有助于提高农村老年群体幸福感,促进农村养老事业的长足发展。Abstract: Rural mutual support for the aged is one of the elderly care modes in the Chinese context. With the reciprocal support value from traditional Chinese culture, the rural life, which is based on geographical relationship and consanguinity, provides possibilities of mutual support for the aged. The nature of rural mutual support is the combination of self-support and reciprocal support, which reflects the concept of social capital theory. There are three core dimensions of social capital, including social networks, social resources and social trust. In line with these three dimensions, this study explores the inherent behavior logic, the dilemma and the possible practical path of the rural mutual support for the aged. Meanwhile, this study proposes that mutual support for the aged could be promoted in the future by the engagement of multiple service providers, the improvement of the service providing system and the enhancement of the social trust of the elderly by displaying the strengths of traditional Chinese culture. Overall, the social capital theory provides a conceptualized foundation to explain the nature of rural mutual support for the aged, and further improvement measures, which are conducive to the development the rural aged-care service and the promotion of the elderly well-being in rural areas.
Key words:
- rural revitalization /
- social capital /
- rural mutual support /
- optimized path of practice
图 1 社会资本理论下农村互助养老行为逻辑简化图
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