Exploring the Institutionalization of Counselor Team Development in Higher Education
摘要: 辅导员队伍的整体素质关系到高校思想政治教育的成效与教育管理的科学化程度,需要以制度建设促进辅导员能力提升。追溯历史沿革,我国高校辅导员经历了形成与确立、恢复与调整、进步与完善、发展与创新的制度化的发展历程,队伍在逐步强化中形成合力。以史为鉴,继往开来,新时代高校辅导员队伍制度化建设,要注重全方位的高校辅导员队伍建设目标,强调全流程的高校辅导员队伍建设制度,形成全链条的高校辅导员队伍建设体系。在制度建构过程中结合高校教育教学管理实际,完善选拔、管理、培训和考评等多位一体的运行机制,推动辅导员制度的良性运行与健康发展。Abstract: The quality of the counselor team is related to the effectiveness of ideological and political education and the scientific management of higher education. It is necessary to institutionalize the management in promoting the ability of counselors. The counselors in China’s higher education have experienced developing phases such as the formation and establishment, restoration and adjustment, progress and improvement, development and innovation of institutionalization. The team has simultaneously experienced gradual growth. Taking history as a lesson, the institutionalization of counselor team in the new era should focus on the all-round counselor team construction, emphasize the whole process of counselor team construction mechanism, and form a complete chain of college counselor team system. Integrating the education and teaching management of higher education, we can improve the multi-integrated operation mechanism of selection, management, training and evaluation, and promote the benign operation and healthy development of counselor system.
Key words:
- higher education counselors /
- team building /
- institutionalization /
- experience
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