The Action Logic of Educational Assistance in Rural Revitalization
摘要: 脱贫攻坚取得全面胜利后,乡村振兴全国积极推进。作为乡村振兴中不可或缺的一环,教育起着阻断贫困代际传递、筑牢乡村全面振兴基础的重要作用。文章基于国家乡村振兴战略的整体规划,探讨乡村振兴理论的生成逻辑和发展脉络,并结合北京科技大学脱贫攻坚阶段的教育帮扶实践经验,研究教育在实现乡村振兴总体目标中的现实意义,探究教育对乡村振兴的内在推动力,旨在为新时期高校发挥教育作用提供理论支持和实践路径,通过教育帮扶助力乡村振兴。Abstract: As an indispensable part of rural revitalization, education plays an important role in blocking the intergenerational transmission of poverty and building a solid foundation for rural revitalization. Under the framework of the national rural revitalization strategy, the article tries to explore the generation logic and development of the strategy, and by combining the practical experiences of the University of Science and Technology Beijing, to illustrate the significance and the internal driving forces of education on promoting rural revitalization, which provides theoretical and practical references for colleges to carry out educational assistance.
Key words:
- rural revitalization /
- educational assistance /
- practice path
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