Pound’s Poetic Cognition in the Translation of Imageries: A Perspective of Comparative Poetics
摘要: 作为比较文学的重要分支,比较诗学基于文化的可比性进行文学对比研究,旨在揭示研究对象的一般规律和相互关联。意象是诗歌的灵魂,是情感表达的载体。因语言特征和文化思维的差异性,中西对意象的认知有互通之点,更有殊异之处。以比较诗学为理论支撑,从意象与意境美、意象与节奏美两种关系和维度来分析庞德对中国古典诗歌意象翻译中的诗学认知,研究发现,源于对诗歌意象深刻而透彻的诗学认知,庞德得以充分再现中国古典诗歌的诗学要素和美学风貌。Abstract: As an important branch of Comparative Literature, Comparative Poetics focuses on a comparative literary study based on cultural comparability, in the hope of revealing the general laws and correlations of research objects. Imagery is the soul of poetry and the carrier of emotional expressions. Due to the discrepancy in language characteristics and cultural thinking, there are both similarities and differences as to the ways of cognition of imageries between the Chinese and Western cultures. Based on the theory of Comparative Poetics, the present paper analyzes Pound’s poetic cognition in the translation of imageries in Chinese classical poetry via two relations or rather dimensions: imagery vs. artistic conception beauty and imagery vs. rhythmic beauty. It is found in the study that Pound fully represents the poetic elements and aesthetic features of Chinese classical poetry owing to his profound poetic cognition of imageries.
Key words:
- imagery /
- imagery translation /
- Pound /
- comparative poetics /
- poetic cognition
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