Analyzing the Legal System of Corporate Social Responsibility with the Article 19 of the Company Law (Revised Draft)
摘要: 单一追求股东利益最大化已经不能适应我国社会经济发展需要。《中华人民共和国公司法(修订草案)》第十九条进一步细化了公司社会责任制度,但仍为原则性的规定。通过分析该法条,文章得出公司社会责任制度的基本架构,分为两个方面与四个维度。两个方面主要体现在立法思路上的选择,从抽象角度而言,是追求效率与注重公平之间的立法价值选择;从具体角度而言,是单一追求股东利益最大化与保护公司多元利益主体权益之间的立法理念判断。四个维度则体现在具体制度的构建,即法律维度、道德维度、人权维度、公共维度。因此,需要在立法上平衡这两方面之间的关系,并从以上四个维度出发对具体的公司社会责任法律制度进行完善。Abstract: The pursuit of maximizing shareholders’ interests can not meet the needs of China’s social and economic development. The Article 19 of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (Revised Draft) further refines the corporate social responsibility (CSR) system, but it is still a principled provision. By analyzing the article of the law, we can obtain the basic framework of CSR system in two aspects and four dimensions. From an abstract viewpoint, the legislative thinking reflected in the two aspects mirrors the selection of legislative value between pursuing efficiency and paying attention to fairness; from a specific viewpoint, it judges the legislative concept between the pursuit of maximizing the interests of shareholders and the protection of the rights and interests of multiple interest subjects of the company. The four dimensions are embodied in the construction of specific systems, namely, the legal dimension, moral dimension, human rights dimension, and public dimension. Therefore, it is necessary to balance the relationship between the two aspects in legislation and improve the specific CSR legal system from four dimensions.
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