Research on the Path of Ideological and Political Construction of Postgraduate Courses in the New Age
摘要: 研究生教育肩负着我国高层次拔尖创新人才培养的重要使命,是国家发展、社会进步的重要基石。在高校的专业课程特别是研究生专业课中融入思政元素,将思想政治教育融入研究生培养每个环节,有利于发挥专业课程的思想政治教育和价值引领功能。针对我国高校研究生课程思政开展情况进行调研和访谈,厘清研究生课程思政建设存在的关键问题,力图从高校层面、学科层面、导师层面和课程层面四个层面探索加强新时代高校研究生课程思政建设的现实路径。Abstract: Graduate education shoulders the significant mission of high-level, top-notch and innovative talents cultivation and serves as an important cornerstone of national development and social progress. It is an essential direction of graduate ideological and political education to integrate ideological and political elements into professional courses in universities, assimilate ideological and political education into every link of graduate cultivation, and eventually make professional courses function as ideological and political educator and value leader. Through the investigation and analysis of the current ideological and political construction of graduate courses, this paper clarifies the key problems existing in the ideological and political construction of graduate courses, and tries to explore the practical path to strengthen the ideological and political construction of graduate courses in colleges and universities in the new era from perspectives of colleges and universities, disciplines, mentors and courses.
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