Critical Genre Analysis of the “Discussion” Section of MA Theses by International Students
摘要: Bhatia提出的批评体裁分析,主要关注如何在专业环境中恰当运用体裁资源来实现交际目的。文章基于批评体裁分析理论,用话语实现的四维分析模型,对西部地区3所高校汉语国际教育专业60篇国际硕士学位论文的“讨论”部分进行抽样分析。研究发现在语篇、体裁层面,国际学生(硕士)遵循特定的语步结构并使用带有明显学术特征的语言;在专业实践层面,则常使用融合型、镶嵌型和链接型三种篇际互文策略来实现其交际目的。究其原因,是受背后学术文化的影响。文章从批评视角出发,对该部分话语所呈现的直观化、规范化和建构化特征进行了剖析。Abstract: Critical Genre Analysis (CGA) proposed by Bhatia (2006) focuses on how genre resources are appropriately utilized in a professional environment to achieve communicative purposes. Based on this theory, a four-dimensional model of discourse realization is adopted to analyze the “discussion” section of 60 MA theses by international students from three universities in western China, aiming to examine the use of genre resources therein. The study shows that international students follow certain patterns of move structures and use language with salient academic characteristics; three types of interdiscursivity, i.e. blended interdiscursivity, embedded interdiscursivity and chained interdiscursivity, are employed to help achieve the communicative purposes; and all this is triggered by the underlying academic culture. The three salient discursive features of this section, i.e. visualization, standardization and identity construction, are then scrutinized from the perspective of CGA.
Key words:
- international students /
- MA theses /
- move structure /
- interdiscursivity /
- critical genre analysis
图 1 话语实现的四维分析模型
3-2 学生调查问卷题目25数据统计
表 1 国际学生硕士学位论文“讨论”部分的语步统计表
顺序 语步 百分比/%① 属性 语步1 背景信息 100 必要性语步 语步2 陈述结果 100 必要性语步 语步3 非/预期结果 13 选择性语步 语步4 以往研究文献 15 选择性语步 语步5 阐释 62 必要性语步 语步6 例证 75 必要性语步 语步7 演绎与假设 30 选择性语步 语步8 建议 18 选择性语步 -
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