Exploration and Practice of Informatization Teaching Mode of “Situation and Policy” Course in Colleges and Universities
摘要: “形势与政策”课作为高校思政课的重要构成之一,是新时代立德树人的关键课程。在信息化时代,其传统教学模式面临着一定的挑战。基于课程即时性的显著特点,高校可以借助互联网、大数据等现代信息技术,推动课程教学向“线上+线下”的信息化模式转变,从而提升课程教学的实效性。北京科技大学通过探索“形势与政策”课信息化教学模式,在把握教学内容的准确性和时效性、增强教学的开放性和灵活性、提升教学评价的规范性和完整性等方面,形成了比较成熟的经验和做法,为进一步提升高校“形势与政策”课教学实效提供了有益参考。Abstract: The construction of the informational teaching mode of the “Situation and Policy” course is an important way to improve the effectiveness of the course teaching. The “online + offline” informatization teaching model provides a new way of getting out of the teaching predicament. The exploration of the informatization teaching model of the “Situation and Policy” course of University of Science and Technology Beijing has formed a better model and method, including grasping the accuracy and timeliness of teaching content, enhancing the openness and flexibility of teaching, and improving the standardization and completeness of teaching evaluation. It can provide a reference for further improving the teaching effectiveness of the “Situation and Policy” course in colleges and universities.
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