An Analysis of the Register Mechanism and Interaction of “NP Zhi AP”
摘要: 文章考察现代汉语“NP之AP”结构的语体机制及互动关系。“NP之AP”的整体语体属性存在正式和庄典的两难选择,且内在构成成分的语体属性涉及正式、非正式和庄典三种特征。文章首先从交际时空和语法时空两方面鉴定其语体属性并提出现有鉴定标准需要区分整体和部分之间的语体属性。其次从结构和成分关系的角度分析了“NP之AP”结构在韵律、语体和句法方面的互动协调机制及存在的整体和部分、语体和文体的互动关系。Abstract: This paper examines the register mechanism and interaction of the “NP Zhi AP” in modern Chinese. The whole register attribute of “NP Zhi AP” has a dilemma between formal and classic, and the register attribute of internal components involves three characteristics: formal, informal and classic. To identify its register attributes from the perspectives of communicative and grammatical spatio-temporal characteristics, it is proposed that the existing identification standards need to distinguish the register attributes between whole and part. From the perspective of the relationship between structure and composition, this paper analyzes the interaction and coordination mechanism of “NP of AP” in prosody, register and syntactic aspects, and the interaction of whole-part and register-style.
Key words:
- “NP Zhi AP” /
- register mechanism /
- whole and part /
- register and style /
- interaction
图 1 “NP之AP”语体与文体的双向互动机制
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