Integrating Youth Growth into the Cause of the Party and the People
摘要: 青春的力量,青春的涌动,青春的创造,始终是推动中华民族勇毅前行、屹立于世界民族之林的磅礴力量。国家富强、民族复兴离不开青年一代的不懈奋斗,青年的成长发展也同样离不开党的引领与对人民群众的智慧和力量的汲取。作为新时代青年,要有担负起实现民族复兴重任的能力和决心,努力在不懈奋斗中增强做中国人的志气、骨气、底气,坚定人生奋斗的信仰、信念、信心,提升干事创业的能力、毅力、活力,把青春奋斗融入党和人民事业之中,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献强大的青春力量。Abstract: The power of youth, the surging of youth, and the creation of youth have always been the majestic force that drives the Chinese nation to move forward bravely and stand among the nations of the world. The prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation are inseparable from the unremitting efforts of the young generation, and the growth and development of young people are also inseparable from the guidance of the party and the wisdom and strength of the people. The young people in the new era should have the ability and determination to shoulder the important duty of national rejuvenation, strive to enhance the ambition, backbone and confidence of Chinese people in unremitting struggle, strengthen the belief, faith and confidence in life struggle, improve the ability, perseverance and vitality of officers to start businesses, integrate youth struggle into the cause of the party and the people, and contribute youth strength to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Key words:
- youth /
- youth struggle /
- the Communist Party of China /
- Chinese Communist Youth League /
- the masses
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