Discourse Strategies of Affiliating Writers with Putative Readers in Newspaper Editorials: An Individuation Perspective in Systemic Functional Linguistics
摘要: 社论作者假定存在一些潜在受众,在写作过程中与这些受众进行交流、结成群体关系,以期达到引导舆论、劝服受众接受社论提出观点的目的。研究以《中国日报》英文版的社论语篇为语料,以系统功能语言学个性化(individuation)之联合关系(affiliation)为分析框架,以评价系统和概念系统为理论基础,探讨社论作者和潜在受众之间群体关系的话语建构模式及建构策略。研究发现,社论作者通过[态度+概念实体]耦合体(evaluative coupling)联合持有相同观点的潜在受众,并通过实体间的语义关系(分类关系和组成关系)将持有不同观点的潜在受众联合起来,实现劝说目的。研究在一定程度上发展了个性化关系,并且为社论语篇劝说性研究提供了一个新的语言学视角。Abstract: Editorial writers assume the existence of some putative readers and communicate with these readers in the writing process to influence their opinions and persuade them into the positions of the editorials. Drawing on the discourse semantic systems of appraisal and ideation and the individuation cline in Systemic Functional Linguistics, this study explores the patterns of affiliation and the strategies of affiliating with putative readers in newspaper editorials, using the editorials from China Daily as the data. The analyses show that editorial writers affiliate with the putative readers through the couplings of [attitudinal value + ideational entity], which are combined together into a syndrome of couplings through the taxonomic relations between entities, such as superordination and composition. This study develops the individuation cline and provides a new perspective for exploring the persuasive nature of editorial discourse.
Key words:
- newspaper editorials /
- affiliation /
- Systemic Functional Linguistics /
- individuation
图 1 联合关系话语建构模式
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