A Functional Re-analysis of the “wh-continuing Clause” in English and Its Translation
摘要: 文章尝试从系统功能语法的角度对“wh-继续分句”再次分析,研究发现这种特殊继续分句还具有一些新特点:“wh-继续分句”的引导词不仅可能是which,还有可能是who、where、when等代词或副词;“wh-继续分句”不仅可以对前面起始句进行延伸,还可能进行发挥/增强。同时作者就这种特殊继续分句的英汉翻译进行了对比分析,再次证明了系统功能语言学对翻译理论与实践研究的指导意义和优势。Abstract: This paper takes a systemic functional approach to the syntactic analysis of the “wh-continuing clause” in English anew, and it finds that this special continuing clause has some new features: (1) the relatives of wh-continuing clause could be a pronoun like which and who, or an adverb like where and when etc. (2) the logic-semantic relation between the initiating clause and wh-continuing clause may be “extension” or “enhance”. In addition, the author also discusses the English-Chinese translation of wh-continuing clause, which shows that SFG also has its great power and advantages in guiding the research on the theory and practice of translation.
Key words:
- Systemic Functional Grammar /
- wh-continuing clause /
- functional analysis /
- translation
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