Research on the Origin, Evolution and Soul of the Revolutionary Image of “The Red Detachment of Women” from the Perspective of the Centennial Founding of the Communist Party of China
摘要: 2021年是建党100周年,也是“红色娘子军”成立90周年。“红色娘子军”是我国新民主主义革命史上率先成立的女性革命队伍,开创了觉醒后的农村青年妇女集体投身革命的先河。作为在党的启蒙下女性集体参加革命的典型,“红色娘子军”的革命事迹被后人改编为各类文艺作品,产生了深远的影响。在建党100周年之际,深入研究“红色娘子军”革命形象的源、流、魂,具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。在这里,“源”特指“红色娘子军”革命形象的历史渊源,“流”特指“红色娘子军”革命形象的艺术演进,“魂”特指“红色娘子军”革命形象的精神内涵。Abstract: 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 90th anniversary of the founding of “The Red Detachment of Women”. “The Red Detachment of Women” is the first female revolutionary team in the history of the new democratic revolution in China. It is the first time for the awakened young rural women to join the revolution. As a typical example of women’s collective participation in revolution under the Enlightenment of the Communist Party of China, the works adapted by “The Red Detachment of Women” had a profound influence. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to deeply study the source, evolution and soul of the revolutionary image of “The Red Detachment of Women”. Here, “Source” refers to the historical origin of the revolutionary image, “Liu” refers to the artistic evolution, and “Soul” refers to the spiritual connotation.
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