System Governance: A New Path of Ecological Governance in the New Development Stage
摘要: 随着我国进入新的发展阶段,原有的生态治理思维、方法、制度已不适应当前生态治理的需要,治理的深层次矛盾凸显。因此,必须改变原有的治理模式,从思维、方法、制度出发构建生态系统治理的四梁八柱。在治理思维上,以整体思维、协同思维及底线思维为依托树立系统思维;在治理方法上,以统筹全局、对立统一及发展眼光为抓手学会系统方法;在治理制度上,以生态边界划定制度、经济生态转化制度及长效监管制度为着力点创建系统制度,推动我国社会主义生态文明迈入新台阶。Abstract: With China entering a new stage of development, the original ecological governance thinking, methods and systems can no longer meet the needs of the current ecological governance, and the deep-seated contradictions of governance are highlighted. Therefore, it is necessary to change the original governance mode and construct four beams and eight pillars of ecosystem governance from the perspective of thinking, method and system. In terms of governance thinking, systematic thinking should be established on the basis of holistic thinking, collaborative thinking and bottom line thinking; in terms of governance methods, systematic methods should be learned from the perspective of overall planning, unity of opposites and development; in terms of governance system, systematic systems should be established with the focus on ecological boundary delimitation system, economic ecological transformation system and long-term supervision system, so as to promote China’s socialism ecological civilization to a new level.
Key words:
- new development stage /
- ecological governance /
- system governance
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