The Interpretation and Construction Paths of Gongan Culture
摘要: 平安中国建设需要公安文化作后盾,但长期以来,公安文化通常被简化为围绕公安机关和公安民警而形成的精神文化。文章基于文化的广义内涵,把公安文化解构为相互关联的两个范畴:公共安全文化和警察亚文化。公共安全文化有消极和积极之分,警察亚文化具有标志、形塑、内聚、示范等功能。公安文化建设,一方面需要从内容、主体、手段三个方面入手,培育积极的、全民参与践行的公共安全文化,另一方面则要以精神内核为统领,通过制度、器物、言行等来提升警察亚文化的秩序生产力。两个范畴的公安文化缺一不可,共同促进平安中国的实现。Abstract: The construction of Peace China needs the support of Gongan culture. But for a long time, Gongan culture has been simplified to the spiritual culture formed around the public security organs and police. This paper deconstructs Gongan culture into two related categories of the public safety culture and the police subculture based on the broad connotation of culture. The public safety culture has both the negative and the positive. The police subculture has the functions of marking, shaping, cohesive and demonstrating. The construction of Gongan culture can be achieved from the following two perspectives. First, we should cultivate public safety culture from content, subject and means to realize active participation of all citizens. Second, we should enhance order productivity of the police subculture through system, implements and behaviors as a guide. The two categories of Gongan culture are indispensable. They promote the realization of Peace China together.
Key words:
- Gongan culture /
- public safety culture /
- police subculture
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