Checks and Balances and the “Vetocracy” Dilemma of American Democracy: A Study of American Democratic Efficiency from the Perspective of Institutional Costs
摘要: 分权制衡是美国民主政治的基础性制度安排,对防范政治暴虐、平衡多元利益、增强决策审慎发挥着重要作用,但这一制度安排需要付出牺牲决策效率的成本。近年来,由于美国民主党和共和党两大政党的政治立场发生极化,且总统职位和国会两院常常由不同政党控制,政党对立的严重影响传导到政府机构层面,造成“否决政治”,美国政府分权制衡制度安排的收益下降,成本显著上升,使美国的民主运行和国家治理受到较为严重的负面影响。解决这一问题,理论上可以采取减少政党对立但不触及分权制衡制度安排的思路,也可以采取调整参议院、众议院和总统三者之间的立法制衡关系或改行议会制等制度改革路径。现实当中,美国改变分权制衡制度安排的可能性很小,除非其制度成本上升至美国社会无法承受的程度。Abstract: A system of checks and balances is the basic institutional arrangement of American democratic politics.It plays an important role in preventing political tyranny,balancing diversified interests and enhancing decision-making prudence.However, this institutional arrangement requires sacrificing decision-making efficiency.In recent years, the views of the two major political parties—the Democrats and the Republicans—have become polarized.The presidency and the two houses of Congress are often controlled by different parties.The antagonism between the political parties has resulted in a “vetocracy.” The benefits of the American government's decentralized system have decreased,while the costs have risen remarkably.This has caused the operation of American democracy and state governance to be negatively impacted.To solve this problem,in theory,we can adopt the idea of reducing the opposition of the political parties without touching the institutional arrangement of checks and balances.We also can adopt the institutional reform paths of adjusting the legislative checks and balances between the U.S.Senate,the House of Representatives and the President, or changing the presidential system to a parliamentary system.In reality, the possibility of changing the institutional arrangement of checks and balances is very unlikely-unless institutional costs rise to a point that American society cannot afford.
Key words:
- American democracy /
- checks and balances /
- institutional cost /
- efficiency of democracy
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