The Viewpoint of “Harmony in Diversity” and Post-colonial Differentiation under the Perspective of Cultural Confliction
摘要: 文化冲突已成为当今世界冲突的重要表现形式,它受到社会冲突正负功能的影响,具有两面性。文化冲突在后殖民主义理论与中国本土传统中呈现多义性的理解。“和”与“不同”各自拥有正负面效应。中国文化传统中“和而不同”理论与后殖民主义理论之差异性理论看似相似,实乃解决文化冲突的两种不同的思路。文章通过对“和而不同”论的先决条件、“义”“利”之辨与解决思路的辨析,审视“和而不同”之“和”与后殖民主义理论之差异性语境下多元共生的区别。在“和”融入现代文化的基础之上,探讨如何结合两种理论的优点、避其不足,借助差异性理论推动“和而不同”等本土传统理论的创造性转化的可能,帮助本土传统在当今世界纷繁复杂的隐性文化殖民战场上发挥积极功能,克服、缓解甚至解决文化冲突。Abstract: The “Cultural Conflict” has become the most important form of expression of the world conflicts. It has both positive side and negative side because it is influenced by the positive and negative function of social conflict. It is comprehended quite differently in post-colonial theory and the Chinese traditional culture. Both “harmony” and “diversity” has two side. By analyzing the precondition for Chinese traditional viewpoint of “Harmony in Diversity” and the relationship between “justice” and “benefits”, this paper compares the differences between these two theories and discusses the possibility of combining the advantages of both theories and avoiding their disadvantages to create transformation of Chinese traditional culture under the influence of post-colonial theory of the base that “Harmony” blends in the modern culture and its positive function of the battlefield of complex recessive cultural colonization. So it can help with overcoming, relieving and solving cultural confliction.
Key words:
- cultural confliction /
- harmony in diversity /
- modernization /
- post-colonial theory /
- differentiation
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