The viewpoint of Self-Prosperity with Foreign developed methods the landlord class of the late Qing dynasty advocated,denied the out-of-date feudal laws and reacted positively toward the challenges of the Western Powers.The first 20 years after the Opium War,it was manifested in the strategy of Containing Western Powers with Their Own Strongpoint.The main idea of this strategy was to know,emulate,and resist the Western Powers.After 1860s,the notion of Upholding China's Traditional Concept but meanwhile Utilizing Occidental Modern Learning represented this viewpoint;specifically the Chinese traditional monarchy and feudal ethics and ethos should play the decisive role in running the country,which needed to be,however, assisted by capitalist scientific and technical innovations.There were three distinctive periods during which the reformers put their viewpoint into practice.First of all,during the period between the two Opium Wars Western World was touched,introduced and advocated.Second,from 1860s to early 1870s,the martial industry was set up in an attempt to achieve China's self-prosperity.Third,from early 1870s to 1890s,civilian industry was initiated at full scale so as to achieve China's self-wealth.