Analysis on the Construction of Scientific Research Assistant Post System in Colleges and Universities
摘要: 随着我国科技事业快速发展,高校承担科研任务和科研经费也增长迅速,为保证科技成果的持续高质量产出,进一步提高科研人员工作效率,合理安排科研人员的科研时间,建构及完善科研助理岗位系统不仅重要而且十分必要。但是自“科研助理”这一岗位设置以来,效果并不明显。文章针对高校毕业生作为科研助理的现状与存在的问题进行了分析探讨,认为由于目前高校科研助理岗位还存在定位不明确、体系不健全、培养不全面等问题,因此就需要持续不断跟进学习国家相关文件,明确岗位职责,建构合理高效的管理体系,以有效提升设置该岗位的工作效果。唯有如此,才能进一步解放科研人员生产力,提高科研人员工作效率,有效承担更多的科研项目,为国家持续不断输出优秀人才,推动国家科技产业快速发展,全面提升我国的国际科技竞争能力。Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology in our country, universities’ scientific research tasks and scientific research funding is growing rapidly. To ensure the continuous output of scientific and technological achievements, the work efficiency of scientific researchers should be further improved, and the scientific research time of scientific researchers should be arranged efficiently. Improving the construction of scientific research assistant positions can be very important. It is good to increase the direct scientific research time of scientific researchers and assist in the output of results. But since the concept of research assistant was put forward, it has not produced very good results. The article summarizes and analyzes the problems of college graduates as research assistants. As the current position of scientific research assistants in universities still has problems such as unclear positioning, unsound systems, and incomplete training, universities need to continue to follow up and study relevant national documents, clarify job responsibilities, establish a sound management system, improve the ability of research assistants. Universities need to further liberate the productivity of scientific research personnel, improve the efficiency of scientific research personnel, effectively undertake more scientific research projects, continuously output outstanding talents for the country, promote the rapid development of the national science and technology industry, and improve the country’s international scientific and technological competitiveness.
Key words:
- research assistant /
- working hour /
- personnel cultivation /
- management system
图 1 2011—2020年我国高校毕业生人数变化趋势图(万人)
表 1 高校数量和经费占比统计表
年份 “211”及省部共建高校
数量(所)高校总数量(所) 数量占比(%) “211”及省部共建高校
经费(亿元)高校总经费(亿元) 经费占比(%) 2009 108 975 11.08 508.62 727.74 69.89 2010 109 954 11.43 679.35 940.28 72.25 2011 108 969 11.15 720.33 1 030.22 69.92 2012 111 1 025 10.83 812.34 1 170.34 69.41 2013 111 1 062 10.45 836.61 1 222.69 68.42 2014 112 1 128 9.93 844.09 1 244.27 67.84 2015 112 1 466 7.64 930.39 1 356.12 68.61 2016 113 1 760 6.42 1 036.54 1 537.01 67.44 2017 113 1 939 5.83 1 171.54 1 772.89 66.08 2018 113 1 944 5.81 1 335.59 2 052.69 65.07 注释:数据源于《高等学校科技统计资料汇编》。 -
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