Demonstration on Civil Incapacity of Persons in Custody: A Survey Based on Psychology, Legal System and Judicial Practice
摘要: 意思能力是行为能力的基础,意思能力之有无决定行为能力之有无。基于该原理,受监禁者亦应被确认为行为能力缺失主体。该立论之基础在于:受监禁者无法如正常的自由状况时一般及时完整地获取做出真实意思表示所需要的各种相关信息,同时一定时间的监禁对其心理可能造成严重影响,导致其理解和认知能力严重受损,难以如常态一般做出合乎常人经验与理性的判断,因此其行为能力将产生瑕疵。以心理学、司法制度学的相关调查研究及司法实践中的具体情形为进路所进行的考察,可为本论提供有力支持。Abstract: Civil capacity is based on the capacity of will.Grounding on the principle, persons in custody ought to be identified as persons of incapacity.This argument's foundation is that, persons in custody cannot timely and completely acquire information which is necessary for them to declare real will as they can do in the free state;meanwhile a certain period of incarceration may produce disastrous influence on their mentality, all of which would create serious damage on their capacity of understanding and cognition, and make it difficult for them to judge or determine empirically and rationally as the same as ordinary persons can do, and that means civil capacity of persons in custody is imperfect.Investigation and study of the psychology, the judicial system and the judicial practice have given forceful support to the argument.
Key words:
- persons in custody /
- civil capacity /
- capacity of will /
- incapacity /
- demonstration
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