On the Value of the Summaries in the Seven Versions of Si Ku Quan Shu—With the Summaries of Zhou Yi in Si Ku Quan Shu of Wen Su Ge as Examples
摘要: 学界对《四库全书》库本提要的价值讨论不多,估价不足。笔者以金毓黼先生所编《文溯阁四库全书提要·易类》为例,参以文渊阁、文津阁库本提要,与浙本、殿本《四库全书总目》进行比勘后认为,库本提要自有其独特价值,一是可证《总目》等诸本提要之误,二是可补诸本提要之缺失。Abstract: The academic value of the summaries in the seven versions of Si Ku Quan Shu is not discussed much now. Through comparing the summaries of Zhou Yi in Si Ku Quan Shu of Wen Su Ge by JIN Yufu, the summaries in Si Ku Quan Shu of Wen Yuan Ge and Wen Jin Ge, and the Summary of General Catalogue of Si Ku Quan Shu of the Zhe Jiang Version and the Loyal Version, it is believed that the summaries in the seven versions of Si Ku Quan Shu have their unique values, which can check the errors and make up for the shortcomings of the summaries of Si Ku Quan Shu.
Key words:
- Si Ku Quan Shu /
- Zhou Yi /
- the summaries in the seven versions of Si Ku Quan Shu /
- value
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