The Spiritual Pedigree of Chinese Literary Anthropology in the 20th Century
摘要: 文学人类学于20世纪初乘西学东渐之风登陆中国,至今已经走过百余年的历程,大致可以分为二个时期,即新中国成立之前的文学人类学研究和新中国成立之后文学人类学研究的复兴。中国百余年的文学人类学研究有一条一以贯之的线索,那就是致力于文学人类学的本土化,即用西方的人类学理论和方法来解释中国文学中的具体问题,并构建出自己的理论话语体系,体现了“中学为体,西学为用”的研究理路。Abstract: Literary anthropology began to land in China in the early 20th century by the trend of western learning. It has been divided into two periods,that is, literature anthropology before the founding of New China and the revival of literary anthropology after the founding of New China. There is a consistent clue to the study of literary anthropology in China for more than 100 years, that is, it is committed to the localization of literary anthropology, which uses western anthropological theories and methods to explain the specific problems in Chinese literature and construct our own theoretical discourse system, and embodies the research principle of traditional Chinese values aided with modern western ideology.
Key words:
- literary anthropology /
- localization /
- spiritual pedigree
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