The Destruction of the Images of Ghosts and Fox Spirits in Song Yin Man Lu because of the Modern Western Learning
摘要: 作为最早与西方传教士合作翻译西学书籍并曾游历欧洲、日本的中国早期口岸知识分子,在西学东渐的潮流中王韬深受西方文化影响,直接体现在他的志怪小说集《淞隐漫录》中人物形象的塑造上。在对花妖狐媚的描写中,他常常有意遮蔽其狐鬼的特殊身份,侧重于突出她们作为女性的“人性”而有意淡化其“妖性”、“鬼气”。其精心塑造的狐鬼形象在解构中带上了浓郁的世俗色彩,反映了中国近代传奇小说狐鬼形象逐步消解的趋势,与《聊斋志异》形成了一对有意味的参照。书中第一次出现了一批专门描写异域风情或者以异国女子为主人公的小说,西学东渐的影响导致志怪传奇小说向真正的域外风情小说发展,开创了中国近代异域风情文学的先河。Abstract: As an imitation of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi, the writing method, describing object and creative type of Song Yin Man Lu are all imitating, using the method of legend novel to describe the images of the ghosts and the spirits. But different from the way of pointing the status of the protagonists at the very beginning in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi, Wang Tao often conceals the special status of the protagonists. He emphasizes their human nature as women, and fades the characteristics of the ghosts and the goblins, which embodies the trend of the decomposition of the ghosts and fox spirits in the modern classical novels. The reason of the change mainly lies in the different living circumstances and cultural experiences. The western learning that Wang tao had got when translated the western books at missionary press, and the roaming world experiences made him not to believe in the existence of the ghosts and the spirits any more.
Key words:
- Song Yin Man Lu /
- Liao Zhai Zhi Yi /
- the modern western learning /
- exotic novel
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