The Academic Way of Yang Xiong
摘要: 扬雄治学,从辞赋到学术,都是在模拟他人的基础上进行再创作。文章总结了扬雄明道崇圣宗经的治学模式,认为这个模式是扬雄对后世产生的最大影响,而且是理解扬雄学术的钥匙。Abstract: The study of Yang Xiong, from the words to the academic, is based on the simulation of others. In this paper, the author summarizes the study mode of Yang Xiong which is: understanding the Dao, worshiping the sages and modeling on the confucian classics, and believes that this model is the greatest influence on the later generations, and is the key to understand the academic research of Yang Xiong.
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