The Influence of Dong-chuan Science on Kang Youwei's Study of Modern Literature and Classics
摘要: 康有为是半个多世纪以来最先进的中国人不断向西方汲取智慧,不断追求文化革新、制度建构、政治变革的集大成者,同时也代表了力图改变中国命运的一批士大夫阶层向西方学习新知的时代高度。康有为今文经学思想与其说是对西方自然科学与社会科学的移植,不如说是东传之西方科学影响下中国传统儒学文化发展的近代模式。东传之西方科学对康有为所开显的今文经学体系的形成具有重要影响。Abstract: For more than half a century,Kang Youwei was the most advanced Chinese who constantly drew wisdom from the west and pursued cultural innovation,system construction and political reform. At the same time,he also represented a group of literati and officials who tried to change the destiny of China to learn new knowledge from the west. Kang Youwei's Deology of New Text Confucianism is not so much a transplanting of western natural science and social science as a modern model of the development of Chinese traditional Confucianism under the influence of western science. Dong-chuan science had an important influence on the formation of the modern literature and classics system that Kang Youwei showed.
Key words:
- dong-chuan science /
- Kang Youwei /
- deology of new text confucianism /
- causes of influence
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