On the Background of Cultural Communication between China and the West in the Rise of the Old Summer Palace
摘要: 明末清初,风云激荡,然而,中西文化交流的潮流却未受到根本性的影响,并得以在此前的基础上进一步深入。随着时间的推进,清代出现了励精图治的康熙、雍正、乾隆三帝,康乾盛世逐渐孕育。康乾盛世的一个重要成果及观察指标就是在北京海淀地区诞生了举世闻名的三山五园,即畅春园、圆明园、香山静宜园、玉泉山静明园、万寿山清漪园(颐和园)。这其中,中西文化交流既是康乾盛世的一个推动力,也是三山五园兴起的重要外因。考察以圆明园为核心的三山五园兴起的中西互动背景,既是清史研究和三山五园研究的重要课题,也有助于审视和把握中西文化交流过程中的利弊因素,并在此基础上,以史为鉴,面向未来。Abstract: With the efforts of emperors of Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty,Kangxiand Qianlong times of peace and prosperity appeared,during which the world-famous 3 hills and 5 gardens were born in Haidian District of Beijing,and the Old Summer Palace is one of them.The communication between Chinese and western cultures is not only a high driving force for the Kang and Qian times of peace and prosperity,is also an important external cause of the 3 hills and 5 gardens.A study on the background of cultural communication between China and the west in the rise of3 hills and 5 gardens with the Old Summer Palace as the center is helpful to examine and grasp the advantages and disadvantages in the process of Chinese and Western cultural communication,and helpful for us to learn from the history and face the future.
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