On the Theoretical Source of the System of Alteration and Addition of the Person Subjected to Execution
摘要: 执行名义所具备之执行力原则上仅及于执行名义所载明之债权人与债务人,但在特殊情形下,执行力及于执行当事人以外之第三人,此即学界所谓的“执行力主观范围扩张”。然而,审视执行力主观范围扩张的具体操作,“执行力主观范围扩张”的本质系执行法院基于债权人对第三人享有之给付义务不存在显著争议而通过略式权益判定程序制作新的执行名义,赋予债权人对第三人所享有之债权以执行力。据此,所谓执行力主观范围扩张系属伪命题,执行当事人变更追加的理论基础并非执行力主观范围扩张,而只能通过重构执行力的正当性基础来谋求执行当事人变更追加得以正当化。Abstract: Judgments and Orders can usually only be executed against the debtors identified in such judicial documents.However, in some circumstances, third parties not involved in the enforcement case can also be executed against.Most jurisprudents agree with the universally acknowledged point that the “theoretical source” of alteration and addition of the person subjected to execution is the extension of subjective scope of Res Judicata.This paper is exploring a new path to explain why the third party should be executed against.The author points out that the circumstances under which the subjective scope of Res Judicata expands are those cases that the court can easily determine there is no significant dispute around fulfillment of the obligation between the parties and the third parties.From the perspective of procedure classification theory, the court can directly determine the creditor-debtor relationship through summary proceeding and produce a new order which lays the foundation for the court to execute against the “Third Parties”.
Key words:
- enforceable effect /
- subjective scope /
- enforcement parties /
- enforcement basis
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