Liu Xie’s Concept of “Tong Bian” and Its Particular Context
摘要: “通变”观是在前代资源的基础上、时代风气的契机中产生的,并非刘勰的创见。刘勰谈的“通”,是通晓“体”的意思;“变”是指具体作品的变化,谈的是“用”的多样化问题。以“体用”关系来解释,并不是说“通变”完全等于“体用”。“凭情以会通,负气以适变”是刘勰通变观的一大创见,由此通变观不仅是文学发展观以及创作方法的问题,更延展到个人才、气等层面。Abstract: “Tong Bian” is not the original idea of Liu Xie, is based on the previous generation of resources and generated by the opportunity of the times. The “Tong” by Liu Xie is to know the meaning of “Ti”; “Bian” refers to the change of specific works and the question of the diversification of “Yong”. It is not to say that the relationship of “Tong Bian” is completely equal to “Ti Yong”. “Relying on affections to achieve continuity, relying on qi to move to mutation” is a creative idea of “Tong Bian”, that means “Tong Bian” is not only the question about literary creation, but the more extended to the talent and spirit of an individual.
Key words:
- Tong Bian /
- Ti Yong /
- cultural and historical context
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