A Systematic Perspective on the Dual Circulation New Development Pattern
摘要: 双循环新发展格局是党中央在新时期、新形势和新条件下应对国际国内形势变化、优化产业结构、推动经济高质量发展主动做出的战略选择,也是改革开放在新发展阶段的新形态表现。而从系统视角看,新发展格局是我国经济社会系统在不确定性上升了的外部环境和系统自主性内外双重作用下,对其结构进行自我调整的一个过程和方向。系统具有抗扰动、维持秩序的自发倾向,根据这一适应性原理,新发展格局的构建需要坚持三个重点,其中,开放是首要原则,创新是根本动力,协调是重要保障。Abstract: The Dual Circulation New Development Pattern is the active strategic choice of CPC in the new period and conditions, by which to respond to the International and domestic situation changes, optimize the domestic industrial structure and promote economic development quality. It is also the new form of the reform and opening up in the new stage of development. From the perspective of system, the new development pattern is a process and the main direction for self-adjustment of China’s economic and social system in the new situations, in which uncertainty of the external environment rises and autonomy of the system inside works. The system has the spontaneous tendency of anti-disturbance and order maintaining, according to this adaptive principle, the construction of the new development pattern needs to adhere to three key points: openness, innovation and coordination.
Key words:
- Dual Circulation /
- new development pattern /
- system /
- uncertainty /
- autonomy /
- adaptability
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