A Multi-stratal Pattern of Ecological Discourse Analysis from a Systemic Functional Perspective: A Case Study on the Speech of China’s Minister of Environment Protection
摘要: 论文在系统功能语言学视角下,尝试构建包括意识形态、语境和语言本体三个层面的生态话语多层次分析模式,且以该模式对2016年中国环保部长报告进行分析。研究发现,报告内容蕴含了马克思主义生态发展观和共享发展观;语言体现典型的政治语言特色;大量运用语法隐喻;句型基本为陈述句,且主要为祈使句;主位推进模式促进语篇连贯,且广泛使用词汇衔接、连接词及照应这三种衔接手段。多层次分析模式有助于全面深入探讨生态话语的认知功能生成机制,进一步丰富了生态语言学的理论与研究方法。Abstract: The study tries to construct the multi-stratal analysis pattern of ecological discourse by analyzing the ideology,context and discourse levels from the discourse delivered by China’s minister of environment protection from the systemic functional perspective.The research finds that the ideology in the speech accords with Marxism’s conception of ecological development and that the benefits of growth are broadly shared.The language bears typical political features in which grammatical metaphors, declarative sentences, especially imperative sentences are widely used.Thematic progression, reference, lexical cohesion and conjunction together promote cohesion.The multi-stratal analysis pattern helps to analyze the cognitive and functional generation mechanism of ecological discourse and enrich the ecological linguistics theory.
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