On the Evolution and Return of Utopian Narrative Thought in Ge Fei’s Fiction
摘要: 格非小说研究至今已有30年,成果不计其数,但仍有不足之处。拿“江南三部曲”和《隐身衣》来说,二者看似毫无关联,实则联系紧密,只有把它们作为一个整体进行观照,才能直观地把握格非小说从“乌托邦”转向“反乌托邦”又回归“乌托邦”的发展脉络,清晰地洞察格非小说乌托邦叙事思想的隐性回归,全面地梳理格非小说乌托邦叙事思想的复杂演变,准确地解读贯穿格非小说始终的乌托邦叙事思想,从而弥补格非小说研究的空白。“乌托邦叙事思想”的回归,既是不可逆转的历史潮流、社会进步的内在要求,又是乌托邦积极意义的必然要求、个人生存发展的刚性需要,还是格非认识发展的必然结果。通过这一“演变”与“回归”,格非向我们展现了“乌托邦”的重要意义与巨大价值。Abstract: Ge Fei’s fiction has been studied for three decades, and the achievements are countless, but it doesn’t mean the end of the research. As for “Southern Trilogy” and Yin Shen Yi, they seemingly have no relationship, but in fact, there’s a close relationship between them. So only the research into them is conducted as a whole, the process of the development from “Utopia” to “Anti-utopian” and then returning to “Utopia” can be intuitively grasped; the recessive regression of Utopian narrative thought can be clearly seen; the complex evolution of Utopian narrative thought can be comprehensively combed; the Utopian narrative thought in Ge Fei’s fiction can be correctly interpreted, thus the gaps of the research into Ge Fei’s fiction can be made up. The regression of Utopian narrative thought is not only an irreversible historical trend and the inherent requirement of social development, but also the inevitable requirement of the positive meaning of Utopian and the rigid need of personal survival and development. It’s the inevitable result of development of Ge Fei’s cognition. Through such “evolution” and “regression”, Ge Fei shows us the significance and great value of “Utopian”.
Key words:
- Ge Fei /
- Utopia /
- “Southern Trilogy” /
- Yin Shen Yi /
- narratology
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