Lenin's View of European Federalism and Its Contemporary Enlightenment
摘要: 列宁的欧洲联邦观形成于一战前后,他最初赞同推翻君主制,建立欧洲联邦,后来认识到帝国主义经济条件下不可能实现欧洲联邦,因此主张社会主义在少数或者甚至在单独一个资本主义国家首先获得胜利,再建立各民族实行联合并共享自由的国家形式——世界联邦。研究列宁的欧洲联邦观,必须肯定列宁认为帝国主义经济条件下无法实现欧洲联邦的判断是正确的,同时也要认识到二战后欧洲一体化及世界和平进程证明列宁的理论有其局限性。在国际秩序面临变革新趋势的历史关头,中国提出了构建人类命运共同体理念,这一理念突破了西方强权政治的零和博弈思维,但是该构想的实现也要经历漫长而曲折的道路。Abstract: Lenin's concept of the federal Europe was formed during the World War I.He initially agreed to overthrow the monarchy and establish the federal Europe.Then he realized it was impossible to build the federal Europe in the imperialist economic conditions.Therefore he advocated establishing the federal world after socialist victory in a few or even in single capitalist countries.Lenin was right that it could not be achieved the federal Europe in the imperialist economic conditions,but the European integration and the world peace process after the World WarⅡproved that Lenin's theory also has its limitations.It just likes Lenin's day,the power politics still threatens the contemporary world peace nowadays.China put forward the thought to build a Community of shared future of mankind when facing the change of the international order in historical juncture.This concept broke the zero-sum thinking of the western power politics,but the realization of the idea would experience a long and winding road.
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